The data-driven customer journey in hearing care - FREE

It isn't just technology that is changing; customers are too. Their habits, their communication tools, and the way they expect to interact with businesses have evolved exponentially. Most customers use digital tools and platforms daily. They have access to a vast knowledge database; most have long experience with online providers of goods and platforms.
Customers now expect communication with a business to happen on the communication channel where they are most comfortable. That may be email, text message, app-based, social media, or simply online through a website.
Retail audiology businesses cannot afford to forget that some customers still like simple old fashioned snail mail. They also use the internet for support, to exchange reviews, price and product comparisons and information in groups on forums and Facebook.
Customers want convenience, not necessarily what works for the business. This has profound implications for the overall communication strategy and customer journey within retail audiology.
**FREE DOWNLOAD Courtesy of Auditdata